Fun Stuff

The Math Student’s Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for students to dissolve their dependence on finger counting and multiplication tables and to assume among the powers of math, the separate and equal necessity to which the Laws of Pythagorean and of Euclid entitle them, that they should declare the causes which impel them to learn Geometry.
We hold these definitions, axioms and postulates, truths to be self- evident that not all proofs are created equal but are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights of students to use all necessary and sufficient tools and techniques to solve, that among these are if/then conditional statements, if and only if bi-conditional statements, 2 column proofs, paragraph proofs, indirect proofs, sound and logical deductive reasoning, and the use of various and sundry previously proven theorems, corollaries, and converses.

Isosceles Brain Teaser